Most Valuable Agile Suggestion I Have Ever Had

Not every day you fall into a loop with a youtube video. If it's about technology the cases are rarer. But a few months ago that happened to me. I was watching a video on agile by Agile Samurai. At the end of that video, he told something that certainly changed my life.

So basically the suggestion goes like this
"Deliver something of value every week."
No matter what position you are on, no matter what role you play, no matter what job you are in, do something Deliverable that adds value to your company every week.

Look how I emphasized on Deliverable! Let tell you a bit more about it.


I could have used learn, do, etc. But I choose deliverable. Because a deliverable is has a special meaning. It is quantifiable and tangible. A deliverable could be a report, a document, a software product, a server upgrade or any other building block of an overall project. A deliverable might even consist of smaller deliverables. 

So What Happens When You Have To Deliver Something Every Week?

You are forced to break down, prioritize, test, and get feedback on your work. And those are the steps to being Agile.


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